Aravaan - South Indian Masterpiece


This is one of the very interesting and different movies i have watched recently and it is called Aravaan.. Aravaan is a South Indian village deity, worshiped for his self-sacrifice to the Goddess Kali.  The movie is done so naturally that you really feel you are in that age.. Every character takes you to that period of time..

This Movie starts with the beautiful plot of a theft happening in one of the rich houses of the village.  The story moves on to show how one whole village is depending on the money generated from these stolen goods.  Few youngsters in the village goes for steal and take care of the whole village... Are you wondering ?? Is this true?? Yes it used to be happening between 1310-1910 and is mentioned in one of the novels "Kaaval Kottam" depicting the history of Madurai.

The beautiful thefts the gang does and how the hero saves his companions once they are caught are mind boggling.. Second hero (Komboodhi) explaining the dos and dont's of conducting thefts shows even how everything was considered sacred and how ethics were embedded in the society in those days.  The statement is so true.. only a good thief can be the best guard...It also shows how good thieves used to be trained as guards to guard the kingdom.  

The most touching scene is when the Hero has been selected to be sacrificed and when his last 30 days are counted..  His lover deciding to marry him in spite of knowing that he is going to die in few days touches the fine chords of true love and commitment... When her father opposes the marriage saying "He is going to die in few days", her reply "Show me one who is not going to die then i will marry that man, It is just that for him we know when he will die for others we don't know" throws a beam of light into the reality of life..

It is interesting to see how he escapes the deadline and whole story turns from there.. There is an interesting rule that if the person could not be sacrificed within 10 years of the announced date then he escapes. Our hero survives for 9 years and then gets caught.. He had to tell the truth to save his friend from death.. and what happens to him ???? Was he killed ??? Watch and Experience..

The Movie invokes the feeling of togetherness, bonding out of that pure innocence and love, sacrifice for the countrymen and it is a masterpiece from Vasantha Balan.. It will remain in our hearts for the values which it reflects through the fine cast and the storyline...

Watch it for the old time plots, for the nice thefts executed with precision and ethics, to get a taste of the life of that age people, value of selfless sacrifice for the country men and to the village, for the pure love which is very difficult to find now and for the overall experience it leaves you with...

Rediff Rating  : 4 Stars
My Rating       : 3.5 to 4 Stars
Please watch and leave your ratings....


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