Choices to Choicelessness to Ultimate Choice - Journey of Life

Yes Life is a Journey from Choices to the Choicelessness to the Ultimate Choice

Choices are Maya..Illusion.. Chosing itself is Maya..

Breaking in to the Choicelessness the Journey begins...

Choicelessness is realizing that GOD knows what is best for me... and allowing the Divine to work...

It is Tapa.... which leads to the Ultimate Comfort..
it is Sadhana... which leads to the Ultimate Wealth ...
It is Discipline... which leads to the Ultimate Path... 
It is a Path in itself.... which leads to the Ultimate Destination...
It is a Desireless state... which leads to the most desired state ...
It is Surrender... which leads to the Ultimate Freedom...
It is Faith... which leads to the Ultimate Reality ....
It is Bliss... which leads to Ultimate Joy....
It is Clarity... which leads to the Ultimate Union...
It is Peace of Mind... which leads to Ultimate Mindlessness.....

It is Freedom.... which leads to Ultimate Infinity....
It is Strength...  which leads to the Ultimate Energy...

It is Perfection... which leads to the Ultimate Choice....
It is Enlightenment... which leads to the Ultimate Realization....

And Interestingly ...
It is also a Choice... the only choice.. the Choiceless... which leads to the World of Choices....

Journey Continues... Join me...  Jaigurudev


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