
Be Lit and Light Others in Love ....

I was peacefully living my Life ...  Even though sometimes feels monotonous... Still no Complaints ....   Suddenly some one or something comes to my Life ....   And they s park the Lantern of Love ...  I Ignore ... Again they spark .... I tried to Ignore...  But it is already Lit....  And it  starts glowing and the flames are high .. I cannot Ignore anymore .... I start feeling it, floating in it and basking in that Light of the Love the whole day ... Now I am peacefully loving and living my Life .... And one day when it reaches it peak , s uddenly the person or the object moves away from me  .... Frustrating ... Sad ... Sometimes I blow off the light myself .... And when I start  Blaming ... Complaining ...  They blow off the light themselves  .... Now I am still living my Life not  peaceful or Loving any more ...  Hatred ...  Painful ..  Many people and many objects come to my Life .... To bring the Light of Love in to my Life .... Time and again either they have blown it off or I h

When one side of me is Crying with Pain... The other side is Crying in Love ....

Again and Again Life is reminding me ... That there is nothing in this World ... It is all Futile .... There is nothing here ... Frictions between the Minds, Arguments between the Intellects, Clashes between the Egos  ..... Contradicting Thoughts ...  Conflicting Feelings ... Divided Paths ... What is there here in the World ??? I don't know .... What a Drama !!! What an Action !!! What an Actor !!! But all are futile !!! When I will be out of all these ?? When the Frictions are Boiling ... I Cry .... When the Concepts are Breaking ... I Cry .... When the Clashes are Hurting .... I Cry ... One side of me is Crying with Pain ...  But When something makes me feel Intense ... something makes me feel sad .... And I contain it ... And when I go through it ... And when I grow through it .... And ... Aho ... I also experience the Unconditional Love ....  When one side of me is Crying with Pain , the other side of me is Crying in Love  !!! For these Realisations that make me spell bound ..

I am where I should be .. You are were you should be ...

I am where I should be ... You are were you should be ... Many times in Life we think ... If that would have happened I would have been else where .... If this would have happened my Life could have been different ... And many times in Life we blame the  People, Situations, God and our own Fate .... If I am where I want to be ... I call it Luck ... If I am not where I want to be... then I call it bad luck ... But I tell you that you are lucky that is why you are where you are ... In spite of being the best in the class when I was unable to continue my studies... When I could not chose or pursue a career for long time in my Life ... I also blamed ... I also felt unlucky .. Oh I should have been somewhere else .... I used to think ... If I had more money ...  If I had those skills .... I could have done this .... Why God did not bless me with that !!?? Also I thought If that person had just this one more quality He/She would have been somewhere else in Life ... Always I see something is

Back to the Start .. Back to Innocence .. Back to be a Junior ...

When I started my Life ...   When I was a Junior ...  I was very humble ...   I was always available ... I had no expectations ... I was not waiting for any one to respect me ... I was not waiting for any one's appreciation ... I was  not worried what other people thinking about me ... I was free ... I was natural ... I was heartful ... Whether in my Life or in my Organization ... When i started... When I was Junior ... I was happy ... I was full of Love .... By age I became more Intelligent .. By time I became more Experienced ... But somewhere I lost my Innocence ...  And when I became a Senior ...   My behaviours changed... A Load of Expectations came how people should treat me ... I was only available for people who respect me ... I chose stages where I was appreciated ... I started demanding respect ....  I started demanding honors ... I became totally Unnatural ... And I created a bubble around me and lived in that day and night ... Even with my near and dear Ones.... Maintai

Dispassion - Journey and the End

For some I am the current Generation... For some I am the previous Generation... Generations have passed by .... Are we growing ??? !!!! Generally the current Generation does not like the previous one ...  Neither  they like what the previous one did ... And they change what the previous ones did .... They don't realise a Life Time has gone in what they see today ... They don't realise Life Times of many generations are behind what they see today ... And they just change it ??? Because they don't understand ... !!! And they don't want to understand ... !!! And they think changing it is easy rather than understanding !!! May be this is Growth !!! .... Some one who was prosperous in the past became nothing today ... Some one who was nothing in the past became prosperous today .... Money ... Fame .... Prosperity .... came and went and came and went ... Someone makes it ... Some one breaks it ....  Some one again rebuilds it ... May be this is how it will be .... There is n

I am 50 now ...

Yes.. I am 50 now ... Still in the middle of the Waters .. Thank God .. Not Sinking ... Have not reached the shore yet ...   But Thank God .... Not Sinking .... Still don't know how to Swim ..   But Thank God .... Not Sinking .... Thank God.... For holding Me .... During this Journey .... Experiences .... Criticism ....   Hate .... Unconditional Love .... Many came from Past Lives ...  Many came from the Present too ..... All were awesome .. Some Joy .. Some Pains ... But some pains remain ... Neither I chose to runaway from anyone ....  Nor I have send any one away from my Life...  And I will not send anyone away in the future too... It is my Prayer and Wish ... Thanks My dear God ... To be able to work with those who hate me ... To be able to live with them ... To be able to love them unconditionally .... Some times my mind complained .... Grumbled.... But  My Heart never gave up on them ....  I know one day the Love will win .... Till that time .... Not Sinking .... I used to wo

You are born to Shine ....

Oh Dear ... You are born to Shine ... With love and care You always reminded ... You are born to Shine ... Oh My Master ... You always reminded .... And You have been Shining on Me ... You have been Shining on Me .. When I closed all the doors and sat in the darkness of Life ... You would find a small crack of opportunity to Shine on me .. Shine on me .... When I blocked my Inner layers and hid deep inside ... You penetrated and found a way to Shine on Me... To Shine on Me... Even when I was sleeping in the night of Ignorance for my whole life .. You waited patiently to Shine on me... To Shine on me ... When I was lost in this World ... You Shined on Me as Knowledge ... When I was yearning for Love ... You Shined on Me as Love .... When I had lost hope in everything in and around me .. You Shined on Me as Hope ... When I made mistakes You Shined on me as Compassion ..... And when I needed your Physical Presence .. You Shined on Me with your Magnanimous Presence ... As a Parent, As a Te