Be Lit and Light Others in Love ....

I was peacefully living my Life ...  Even though sometimes feels monotonous... Still no Complaints .... 
Suddenly some one or something comes to my Life ....  And they spark the Lantern of Love ... 
I Ignore ... Again they spark .... I tried to Ignore... But it is already Lit.... 
And it starts glowing and the flames are high .. I cannot Ignore anymore ....
I start feeling it, floating in it and basking in that Light of the Love the whole day ...
Now I am peacefully loving and living my Life .... And one day when it reaches it peak , suddenly the person or the object moves away from me  ....
Frustrating ... Sad ... Sometimes I blow off the light myself ....
And when I start Blaming ... Complaining ... They blow off the light themselves  ....
Now I am still living my Life not peaceful or Loving any more ... 
Hatred ... Painful .. 

Many people and many objects come to my Life ....
To bring the Light of Love in to my Life ....
Time and again either they have blown it off or I have blown it off ...

But today I realize ..  They were supposed to move away.. When the Light is lit good they moved away .... Otherwise the Light cannot shine ...
The same person who lit the Light may be blocking the Light and bring the shadows ....
From Shades of Light ... To Shadows of Light .... From Shades of Love .... To Shadows of Love .... May be that is Relationship .... 
Light the Love and move away ... Let it glow ... Let it flow ... Let it spread everywhere ...

I am grateful for those who moved away ...
You cannot take back the light you lit ... You cannot take back the Love you lit in my heart ....
May be you can blow it off ... But I am sure someone is on the way to lit it again ... And If not I have my Master to Lit it again .....
Oh my Fellow Seekers... And I tell you when the Master has Lit you .... 
No one can ever blow it off... And you don't be afraid HE will never blow it off away ...

Oh my Dears ...
Be Lit ... Be in Love ... Don't feel bad if the person or object moves away ... 
They cannot take it away ...  But be careful .. Don't blow off your own Light ... 
And also be careful .. 
If at all Life gives you another direction and if you are moving away Don't blow away the Lights you Lit ... 
You think you lit those Lights  and you think they are your Lights, so you can blow them off ... No... they all belong to the Divine ...
In this Life you have been lit also for you to lit other lanterns of Love ....
Also remember someone lighted your lamp too ... What If they had blown it off ??? !!! 
So.. To be frank ..  You don't have any rights to blow off any lights ... Whether it yours or others ...

And I will tell you the secret now ... 
When you know this and accept this, and allow others to move on and not be attached too much with the people and objects ...
You feel The true Love... The unconditional Love ... The Full light of Love ... 
You feel the Longing.. You feel truly Grateful .... And finally you feel the Divine Love ....

Oh my Fellow Seekers ...
And when someone Lights it for you ... Don't blow it off and be foolish to wait for the God to come personally and Light for you ...
For they are messengers of God .. For they are the Volunteers of God ... 
And you be a Volunteer of God ... 
To Light more and more Lanterns of Love ... 
Continuing this... You will be fully Lit even when you leave this body ...
Even in your Death ... the light should not be blown of ... It should be fully Lit ....
And even after you are gone ... Your Light should remain in this planet ....
To show the way to millions of people ....
And who ever comes to that place they will be self Lit .....
Ahhh... Enlightenment ... Liberation .....

Jaigurudev ...


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