Dispassion - Journey and the End

For some I am the current Generation... For some I am the previous Generation...
Generations have passed by .... Are we growing ??? !!!!

Generally the current Generation does not like the previous one ... Neither  they like what the previous one did ...
And they change what the previous ones did ....
They don't realise a Life Time has gone in what they see today ...
They don't realise Life Times of many generations are behind what they see today ...

And they just change it ??? Because they don't understand ... !!!
And they don't want to understand ... !!! And they think changing it is easy rather than understanding !!!

May be this is Growth !!! ....
Some one who was prosperous in the past became nothing today ...
Some one who was nothing in the past became prosperous today ....
Money ... Fame .... Prosperity .... came and went and came and went ...
Someone makes it ... Some one breaks it .... Some one again rebuilds it ...
May be this is how it will be ....
There is nothing you can change ... !!! ??? There is nothing you need to change ... !!!

Oh ... Should I change myself ...Oh ... Should I change the world ....
If I don't need to, then ... Oh ... Nothing to do here in this Planet ??? !!!
So what am i doing here. ??? !!!

Is this Dispassion ?? A strange feeling of Let it Be ...

What has happened ??? May be I got Matured ??? May be I got Lazy ???

But sometimes some things are used by the next Generation too....
The world is what is today because of all the efforts of my previous generations ... 
Yes they are using some of things from the past too... so feel a sense of pride.. feeling useful ... 
Oh.. I feel like doing more .... Oh.. I should change myself ...
Oh .. I can change and contribute something to this world ...
Oh.. There is a lot I can do in this planet ....

Is this Passion .... A feeling to change to what it should be ....

Wanting to Change and Letting it Go ... Passion and Dispassion...
While Living through Passion and Dispassion one day my breath will stop in between these ...
I changed what i can change ... I let go what is good to be ... I let go what i cannot change ... 
But definitely I should change what i can ... In me and around me .... Till my breath stops some point in between this.
Oh... But at that point only one thing will be there ... Letting Go ... Dispassion ... 
Life is Passion .. Life is also Letting Go... But Death is just Letting Go ....
Then i become the previous generation ....
The next Generation will come and Change .... May be ....


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