Self Realization....
The Master once said... Realization may not be always like a thunder bold in one moment and you start knowing everything.....
Most of the times it is step by step....
Yes today was one such step of realization ...
It feels like a pain of a doctorate student realizing that he forgot to study some very important basic Alphabets.....
I realized that I have to go back to basics again...
To learn it better and in the right way may be...
A cloud is moved away .... My ignorance is visible to me...
What i am teaching ??? What i am Preaching ???
I need to go back to my basics again... Recorrect again... Unlearn again... Relearn again....
But the funny but interesting part is that the more i feel i don't know anything others feel that i have realized in life more and more....
May be that is the only learning in this world...
That i know nothing....I am nothing.....
Once the master said... Life is a journey from Somebody to Nobody to Everybody....
Sometimes The journey of becoming Nobody is painful...
When that Something is broken the Somebody in you is broken....
With Tears... in your Prayers You Cry...
Speaking to Oneself.. You Introspect....
And at the End With a Smile... You are Grateful....
For you know that you are on the way to experience that Nothingness... You are in the journey to meet that Nobody in you....
Ha ha with a tearful laughter on the way to meet the Nobody... No time to waste.... Se you soon.....
Most of the times it is step by step....
Yes today was one such step of realization ...
It feels like a pain of a doctorate student realizing that he forgot to study some very important basic Alphabets.....
I realized that I have to go back to basics again...
To learn it better and in the right way may be...
A cloud is moved away .... My ignorance is visible to me...
What i am teaching ??? What i am Preaching ???
I need to go back to my basics again... Recorrect again... Unlearn again... Relearn again....
But the funny but interesting part is that the more i feel i don't know anything others feel that i have realized in life more and more....
May be that is the only learning in this world...
That i know nothing....I am nothing.....
Once the master said... Life is a journey from Somebody to Nobody to Everybody....
Sometimes The journey of becoming Nobody is painful...
When that Something is broken the Somebody in you is broken....
With Tears... in your Prayers You Cry...
Speaking to Oneself.. You Introspect....
And at the End With a Smile... You are Grateful....
For you know that you are on the way to experience that Nothingness... You are in the journey to meet that Nobody in you....
Ha ha with a tearful laughter on the way to meet the Nobody... No time to waste.... Se you soon.....