
Showing posts from 2012

Shifted All Posts

I am shifting all my posts to this blog.

Aravaan - South Indian Masterpiece

     Aravaan This is one of the very interesting and different movies i have watched recently and it is called Aravaan..  Aravaan is a S outh Indian   village deity , worshiped  for his self-sacrifice to the Goddess Kali.   The movie is done so naturally that you really feel you are in that age.. Every character takes you to that period of time.. This Movie starts with the beautiful plot of a theft happening in one of the rich houses of the village.  The story moves on to show how one whole village is depending on the money generated from these stolen goods.  Few youngsters in the village goes for steal and take care of the whole village... Are you wondering ?? Is this true?? Yes it used to be happening between  1310-1910 and is mentioned in one of the novels " Kaaval Kottam" depicting the history of  Madurai. The beautiful thefts the gang does and how the hero saves his companions once they are caught are mind boggling.. Second hero (Komboodhi) explaini

Barfi - Learning From Silence

Barfi - Learning From Silence Barfi came in with that Melodious background music in to me and left a strong impression in me... Caution: Don't read this before you watch Barfi... Strictly.. Every Frame teaches you something in this movie.. for that matter Life also does that. It is just that we don't learn from it.  Anyway when i watched it second time, i had this time to enjoy it frame by frame.. Sacrifice - You remember that scene where Jilmil shouts from the window when Barfi was about to leave without finding her.  Shruti had a choice to keep walking in to Barfi's life there.  But after a moment of thought she sacrifices her own life for him... It needs the extreme in you to sacrifice there when you have already left your family only for this guy and don't know where to go... Shruti you will stay for this act ever in the books of Love and Sacrifice for the coming years... Love - Loving someone thinking whether i will be happy with him/her or no

God Particle

Dreams have no limit and they are of many categories which is even difficult to categorize. As a child i always used to dream of a better and easy life on the planet which even went to the extend i dreamed of having energy filling stations for humans like gas stations for the vehicles.  This can eliminate the whole cycle of growing vegetables, grains etc.. cooking/processing them, time and effort to eat and the digestion, elimination etc..  I thought i will ask this question and even suggest this to God one of the days when i actually meet him.. But actually when i met HIM i realized how perfect the whole universe have been made and any changes in the current system may be damaging rather than improving... Then i turned to wonder why we are not fully attracted to God and why we don't possess all the required Divine Qualities.. I went to my habit of dreaming how to make it easy for people to reach God and possess these divine qualities.. In today's world people don

Reinvoking the Feelings

Friends We learnt to write with feelings.... I realized today when we read the same article if the same feeling comes back to you then the job is done... Jaigurudev

Allow the Big Mind to win always...

When i first went with my colleagues for a day's trip from my work place I realized that this was my first excursion in life.. In school they used to organize excursions, but i never even told my father many of the times because I thought it was not fare for me to burden him.  I had gone for many excursions after that with my colleagues but that one was very special.. Boating, Bathing in the Waterfalls, Horse Rides, Wrongly eating NonVeg and many vomiting.. it was all fun... While returning the bus stopped for dinner on a highway motel and all of us ordered food and were singing and making fun of each other.  I had ordered something light and was sipping my coffee... Suddenly i heard a big sound and walked outside to realize that there was an accident on the road.  I called my friend and rushed to the spot.. I saw two people lying on the middle of the road bleeding..  I was looking for someone local to take some action..  Many thoughts crossed my mind.. If I attend t

Seva is her Language..

Always looking for what can i do to make others comfortable.. In her presence i just become comfortable for no reason.. I get care.. I feel consoled.. I become natural... I exhibit confidence... She always like to give.. In my village house you will see all the neighbors keep coming to my house to take this or that.. Her nature is to give and she feels joy in giving.. To receive from such a person it is a great feeling.. Whether she is physically sick, mentally disturbed nothing stops at home.. She will deliver 24/7 tirelessly.  After i have seen the movie Jocker, I once thought she is a jocker i see every day.. whatever she feels/suffers inside does not matter she will greet with a smile and care for you always...  When i was child i had slipped in to the mouth of death few times... Only her commitment saved me..  She used to share how she used to run from one room to other in that huge General Hospital in the big city of Chennai without even knowing the language.. Sac

Expressions can be flawful.. But Love Cannot..

From Childhood i never used to like my father for many reasons.. He was a perfectionist.  So he used to find faults in everything i do and used to scold me a lot.. So I was always afraid of him..  And by the time we get up in the morning he goes to work and mostly we sleep before he comes.. This affected the time we spend with our father... After my 5th std my parents decided to settle in my native place and so we shifted the whole stuff from Chennai to my house in the village.  It so happened that i could not get admission there due to some issues in the certificate.  So I returned with my father back to Chennai and was supposed to live for few weeks.  I was not so comfortable.. One or two days he tried to balance his work and caring me which seemed very difficult.  So he decided to drop me in my uncle's house.  I had a good time there for two weeks - movie, ice creams, playing with my cousins etc.. On a Sunday he came to see me and told my uncle that he will

Success may take time..

I was an above average student from the childhood but never the first or second in the class.. It all started when my 10 +1 Quarterly Exam results came..  For my surprise i was first in the class..  I don't know what happened.. Of course i had become more matured.. started enjoying my commerce, accountancy classes more.. or the value of getting to join +1 itself was a great shift in my life...Born in a family which was making living for their day to day expenses i could not have expected to go for my higher studies (of course +1, +2 were considered higher studies that time..) After my 10th i went as a sales boy in a shop for the vacation without any hope of being send to school any more in life.. Luckily my school started higher secondary that year and my father considered putting me there with all the hardships.. There was only one branch there and it was commerce and i took the same by default... That's how i started to and when i was studying with fees waivers

Mistakes are Mistakes

Mistakes are Mistakes We cannot see intention behind them because actually there is no intention behind them - that is why they are mistakes And there are intended actions - And if we do not see intention behind them and take preventive and corrective actions we will suffer in life The problem appears, When we perceive an actual mistake as Intended action then it brings suffering for us and we create difficulty for others and When we perceive an Intended action as a mistake then we end up being fools... but the good part of it is that we remain calm Mistakes generally HAPPENS with me and it is DONE by others And what if the other person is repeating the mistakes - A mistake cannot be repeated only Intended actions can be repeated - 1. May be that person does not know that his actions are affecting others 2. Or he is not able to stop it due to his own weaknesses 3. Or he is doing it with a purpose to achieve And what if i am repeating a mistake/Inetended action many

Corporate Love !!!

I was sitting in a meeting in the board room.  But my mind went to the recent incident in my life... Why did she leave me ?  What could have i done do have her in my life ???? I learned to build a second line but should i have build a second line for her ?? I learned to analyze but did i analyze her more... I learned to make quick decisions but this decision could have been slower... Are quick decisions always right decisions ??? I learned to be aggressive but here should I not have been little more sensitive.. I learned to achieve but here should i have been sacrificing ??? I learned to win always but actually losing could have been winning here ??? I learned to be professional but here should i have been little more personal ??? I learned to be Fast but here i should have been little slow... Yessss.... And and Bigger Yessss.... I learned to learn from mistakes but did I learn more from this one mistake which i could not from my whole corporate life There was a h

You do my Job I will do your Job

After a long train journey i reached my hometown and i was in the bus to cover the last ten kilometers to my village... I happened to hear the conversation of the man and his child sitting next to me.. "Dad - we could have bought new clothes for mom also.. She will be sad" the boy said.  Dad was telling the boy that it is ok don't bother i will convince her.  The boy kept repeating the same thing and father kept convincing him.  It took me few seconds to figure out that he had bought new clothes only for the child and for no one else in the family because he did not had money.  In  Kerala they say You should celebrate your land and celebrate Onam(a festival in Kerala).. This strong feeling came in me that I should help.. But how.. that too just 15 min journey together.. I introduced myself and asked them little about themselves.. In Kerala it is a insult to give money to someone without they asking.. I kept thinking and the bus stopped in the bus stop and th